Saturday, January 3, 2009


Alright. I was going to use this blog to talk about beer and other alcohol I like and I am still going to do that. I had an idea for a second blog but I am lazy so I have decided to combine the two here. Like I said I am pretty lazy and in an effort to be more active I have decided to set a goal of...
10,000 Km on my bicycle this year.

Yup. It sounds like a bad idea and 3 days into the new year I can tell you it seems like I may have set the bar a little high. Oh well it should get me off my lazy butt more often at least and if people know I am doing it I am more likely to stick with it.

So first my bike. I don't have pictures yet but I will take some tomorrow. In Japan my bike is known as a 'mama-chari' which means it has a sweet basket in the front and if i was in America people would call it a girls bike because of the frame. I will save the description for a post with pictures.

So now you may be wondering how am I keeping track of distance? I set up a spread sheet (don't know how to post that but I will work on it). I don't have a computer on my sweet ride so for now I have to use this site
That site is pretty cool but for long rides can be a bit of a pain cause I have to remember every turn.

Next post will have pics of my bike and description of the first three rides of the year.

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